Audit Driving Risk

DAVIS Driver Audit completes a thorough risk review of your employees and their driving patterns.

Better data, smarter checks with Driver Audit

It’s surprising just how many businesses aren’t aware of who actually drives during working hours. It’s these non-identified drivers, who don’t have the proper checks in place, that are putting these businesses at risk of a fine, or in some cases prosecution, should the worst happen.

DAVIS Driver Audit is the very first step to identifying and qualifying the occupational driving risk within your business. Utilising a simple survey to audit your employees/contractors, you’ll gain accurate and up to date information about their driving patterns. Following completion of Driver Audit , our team can determine which checks should be carried out and when, to ensure your company is addressing its duty of care and most importantly doing the necessary checks to improve driver and public safety.

Nobody wants to pay for a licence check that is simply not required, nor can they afford to miss a check that is.

New Phone Driver Audit

What DAVIS Driver Audit does


Survey your drivers

You gain up to date information about driving patterns so that the appropriate checks can be carried out


Collects a range of data including years licence held, annual business miles driven, and more

Highlight gaps in your current driver policy; such as identifying grey fleet drivers. This exercise also provides evidence that you have taken the necessary steps to minimise occupational road risk. Data is stored in DAVIS and can be accessed at any time.


Quantifies your company’s exposure to risk

DAVIS will model the risk propensity for each individual to give you clear guidance on who should be checked and how often.


Enables document upload

Simplifies the way you get company documents in front of your employees and eliminates the need to send large files via email


Obtains digital declaration

Gaining a digital declaration provides proof of agreement to a company policy or a driving pledge and demonstrates your commitment to driver safety


Personalises the invitation email

Tailoring the message reassures your employees about the reasons why you are asking for information, resulting in fewer queries and a quicker response.


Sends automated emails direct to the employee

Automated emails instantly cuts down time spent chasing employees to complete the task.


Scores employees risk propensity

DAVIS will model the risk propensity for each individual to give you clear guidance on who should be checked and how often.

Who is Driver Audit for?

  • For companies that need to establish requirements and budget for managing fleets and occupational road risk
  • For new or existing clients that require up to date information on the driving patterns of their employees – by having only “clean” data in DAVIS, only the necessary checks take place
  • Those intending to switch to DAVIS and as an enhanced onboarding programme to determine an accurate annual cost

Do more with DAVIS.

We don’t just digitise the process, we expose risk and help you action it.

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